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Scientists use ocean data to predict slightly early run of Chinook on Yukon River. AOOS Launches 2015 Short Film Contest. AOOS Contest Films to be showcased at the Beartooth on March 28. Far from home, the.
Great Lakes science vessels work on a freshwater sea of more than 94,000 square miles helping scientists, educators and resource managers understand, restore and protect a global treasure. Here are some featured science vessels cruising the Great Lakes. Connect with Great Lakes Research. Find ships using this interactive map. On Sat Mar 10 2018. Welcome Erie Monitor and Kingfisher. On Fri Jan 15 2016. On Tue Nov 15 2016.
CaRA Caribbean Regional Association for Integrated Coastal Ocean Observing. CariCOOS, the United States Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System, with CaRA guidance, operates a network of observing assets including data buoys, coastal meteorological stations, vessels, instruments and radars. Data from these assets and value-added data products such as graphs and maps are provided free of charge to the general public through the web page www.
A map showing real-time wind observations. Wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI. Wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI. National Weather Service wind forecast maps for Puerto Rico and USVI.
Meet BOB and MARI, the newest buoys in the San Francisco Bay. Tell us what you know about Harmful Algal Blooms! Please take our 1 minute survey. CeNCOOS Newsletter - October 2016. Warm Waters Impact Kelp Forests.
Its employees and projects are now directly part of the. USGS Water Resources Mission Area. gov or 608-821-3820, with any questions. US Department of the Interior.
The COCMP project ended in 2010. Surface Current observations in California are currently funded by the Integrated Ocean Observing System.
Great Lakes Commission
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